Monday, March 12, 2012

Off the sauce

Tonight was my final shot EVER!!

I had a half mm of a trigger boost. Tomorrow I will know my progesterone. That number is usually pretty good, not that it ever means anything good...for me at least.

I read a post not too long ago and it read "off the sauce until further notice, gotta get my sanity back".... That is ME!!!!! All these meds are taking their evil toll on me. Breaking out, moody, can't poop, poop too much, moody and just over all tired of living each month in 2 week prepare-2 week wait.

I still have totally feels like AF cramps. I try to stay positive, I really do...but it's hard to not go from my gut feeling. And I'm certain this time is a bust. I'm okay with that. I have to stop at some point and just know everything happens for a reason. God gave me my Shelby and she is fine being the only one that gets all my attention :)

I'll update soon.

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