Friday, April 20, 2012


Today was the calendar appointment.

I still have a 13 days of birth control. And a few days after lupron and then stims.

We have a mandatory counseling session and a med training as well. Everything just seems so overwhelming. At the same time, I'm feeling the err's of the waiting! I am so not a patient person.

Our RN Patty is awesome! She tells you everything straight up. She does not sugar coat anything. So I'm looking at 4 injections a day, Xanax, a pill for nausea and more antibiotics. I hate all the medications. I will one day.....feel normal. This is my hopes!! Hopefully a baby in the process!

I'm excited to see what the stims bring.

So....more to come!!

Sunday, April 1, 2012


So much going on. I'm getting overly frustrated as the days drag on. I'll blow one day soon, I feel it. Yay